Tifway 419 Bermuda
Known for its hardiness, this hybrid bermuda is commonly used on golf course tees, fairways, sport fields, and high traffic areas. Very versatile for both commercial and residential properties. This classic variety of bermuda has been around for over 60 years and is here to stay!
Tifway 419 Bermuda
- Withstands wear and traffic well
- Rapid recovery from injury
- Rapid rate of spreadability
- Excellent choice for athletic fields
- Great for high traffic areas
- Well adapted to sandy soil
- Spreads by rhizones & stolons can be aggressive in other areas due to runners that spread rapid both above and below ground
- Produces roots and turns green when temperatures are consistenly above 65-70 degrees farenheit for several weeks
- Residential & Commercial Use
- Best suited for full sun
- Can be high maintenance
- Recommended mowing height 1"-2" with rotary mower & 1" mowing height with reel mower and should be mowed as often as 2x a week.