Other Zoysia Grasses
Zoysia grasses are considered to be a high end and what most consider to be a luxury variety of turfgrass. Zoysia grasses are known for their soft texture and dense traits. There are several different varieties of zoysiagrasses to suit both the person and the characteristics of the property in which the grass is being installed. Below are a few key charecteristics to help you determine if zoysia is best for you! Our premier zoysia is Jamur Zoysia but we offer several other varieties as options. Call our office to inquire about our other varieties at 910-669-2295!
Other Zoysia Varieties
- Spreads by stolons & rhizomes
- Produces roots and turns green when soil temperatures are consistently above 65-70 degrees farenheit for several weeks
- Typically very dense
- Can be fine bladed depending on variety
- Can be medium-wide bladed based on variety
- Very soft often described as a "Cushion Like Feel"
- Medium to Wide bladed zoysias can be mowed with a rotary mower (Myer)
- Fine bladed zoysias can be mowed with a rotary mower but look best when mowed with a reel mower (Emerald)
- Does well in sandy soil, dark soil, and most clay like soil types